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Wednesday, 24 April 2024



You're receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to our news service or registered to advertise on our advertising service. Thanks for being part of  our services!

Firstly, It's with a sad heart that I'm saying goodbye. This service was a ZERO on a contract for nearly TEN years. So I'm closing DUCK'S SERVICES (the BUSINESS and ADVERTISING services) down completely. EVERYTHING is going within the next few days. Thanks for your support thru the years.

Secondly, I'm only keeping my automatic advertising services for LAST WARNERS / BERITH HAPHAK SAPHAH and MARANATHA E-CHURCH.

Lastly, I just want to let you know why: my health is deteriorating beyond control and I'm dedicating my life to the two church services. As the automatic advertising is not tapping my health resources and the two services do need my support still, I'm keeping them.

For those celebrating Pesach at this time of the year, PESACH SHALOM and may this Pesach be a time of peace and reconciliation with the Creator.

If you need to contact me, you can use the email address provided previously ( for any correspondence. Or reply to this email.


So long my friends

Duck Grobbelaar-Sampson